
Symptoms of Mold Exposure

Symptoms of mold exposure are very real and serious. The symptoms are typically respiratory and nervous system related. They can range from a mild cough to a serious illness. If you believe you may be exposed to mold, you should seek treatment as soon as possible.

Mold exposure can cause immune system dysfunction, which can lead to more severe infections. It also can affect the endocrine system, digestive tract, and the brain. Some of the most common symptoms of mold exposure include rashes, flu-like symptoms, coughing, colds, and shortness of breath. Mold-related illnesses can be life threatening and permanent, so it’s important to treat them early.

Mold sickness is a common condition that affects many people, but is often misdiagnosed by medical professionals. It is caused by inhaling contaminated air from a moisture-damaged building. Mold spores enter the body through the skin, and they can irritate mucus membranes and the respiratory tract. People with asthma are especially at risk for mold sickness.

The best way to treat mold sickness is to eliminate mold from the home or work environment. This includes cleaning and sanitizing it, and using a high quality air filter. In addition, using over-the-counter nasal corticosteroids to reduce inflammation from mold allergies can be helpful. Antihistamines can also help with sneezing and watery eyes.

People with a compromised immune system, such as cancer patients, patients with AIDS, and pregnant women, are at a higher risk for mold-related illnesses. Symptoms can include respiratory disorders, such as bronchitis and pneumonia, as well as central nervous system problems, such as numbness, depression, and hallucinations. It can also affect the cardiovascular system, causing heart attack and cardiac arrest.

The body’s immune system will attempt to fight the symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms include chronic flu-like symptoms, fatigue, shortness of breath, a runny nose, coughing, and colds. The severity of the symptoms is based on the amount of exposure and the amount of time the person has been exposed to mold.

Mold symptoms may include rashes, headaches, and flu-like symptoms. People with long-term exposure to mold may experience irritability, personality changes, memory loss, and impaired learning. People with chronic mold exposure may experience a depletion of the nutrient pool in the body, which can lead to chronic fatigue.

The symptoms of mold exposure are not easy to diagnose, especially for people with respiratory disorders. If you believe you have been exposed to mold, you should contact your family doctor for an evaluation. Some doctors will use mold tests to determine if you are allergic to mold. A skin prick test, in which a small amount of mold allergens is injected into the skin, is one of the most common ways to diagnose mold allergies. If the test is positive, your doctor may prescribe antihistamines to help with sneezing, coughing, and watery eyes. Antihistamines also block histamine, which is the substance that causes mold allergy symptoms.

Symptoms of mold exposure can also occur in pets. A healthy lifestyle and good hygiene will help you build up your immune system. In addition, a doctor may recommend immunotherapy, a series of allergy shots, which can strengthen your immune system.