
When is a Colonoscopy Needed?

In Singapore, a colonoscopy screening is an important diagnostic procedure that allows a doctor to look for changes or abnormalities in the large intestine (colon) and rectum. During the procedure, a long, flexible tube (known as a colonoscope) is inserted into the rectum, and a tiny video camera at the tip of the tube allows the doctor to view the inside of the entire colon.

Colonoscopies are often recommended if a person is experiencing certain symptoms, such as persistent abdominal pain, constipation, changes in bowel movements, or blood in the stool. They can also be used to diagnose and treat conditions such as colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and diverticular disease.

During a colonoscopy screening, the doctor may remove polyps or other types of abnormal tissue if they are found. In some cases, tissue samples (biopsies) may be taken for further testing. After the procedure, the doctor will discuss the findings with the patient and provide any relevant follow-up instructions.

It’s important to note that a colonoscopy is not a “one size fits all” procedure. Age, health history, and personal risk factors all play a role in determining if a colonoscopy is the best option for an individual.

It’s also important to understand the risks associated with colonoscopy, which can include bleeding, infection, and reaction to anesthesia. Talk to your doctor about any concerns or questions you have before proceeding with the procedure.

Overall, a colonoscopy is an important diagnostic tool that can help diagnose and treat conditions in the large intestine and rectum. Talk to your doctor to learn more about what a colonoscopy is, who should get one, and any risks associated with the procedure.

When is Colonoscopy Recommended in Singapore?

A colonoscopy is an important diagnostic and preventive tool to evaluate and maintain your gastrointestinal health. It is a procedure that uses a thin, flexible tube with a tiny video camera at the end to look inside the large intestine (colon) and rectum.

Your doctor may recommend a colonoscopy to investigate intestinal signs and symptoms, screen for colon cancer, look for more polyps, or to even treat an issue.

  • Investigate intestinal signs and symptoms: If you are experiencing abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, or chronic diarrhea, a colonoscopy can help your doctor explore potential causes.
  • Screen for colon cancer: If you are 50 years or older and at average risk of colon cancer, your doctor may recommend a colonoscopy every 10 years. However, if you have other risk factors, your doctor may recommend a screen sooner. Colonoscopy is one of the few options used for colon cancer screening. Be sure to discuss the best options for you with your doctor.
  • Look for more polyps: If you have had polyps before, your doctor may suggest a follow-up colonoscopy to look for and remove any other polyps. This can help reduce your risk of colon cancer.
  • Treat an issue: In some cases, a colonoscopy may be done for treatment purposes, such as placing a stent or removing an object from your colon.

Overall, a colonoscopy is a safe and effective procedure that can help keep your gastrointestinal health in check. Be sure to consult with your doctor to determine whether or not a colonoscopy is right for you.