
Debunking 6 myths about colonoscopy

Colonoscopy has become an essential part of preventive care in recent years, and it’s a procedure that helps to screen for precancerous polyps or other causes of gastrointestinal symptoms. While having a colonoscopy isn’t always comfortable, the peace of mind of knowing that potentially serious medical conditions can be identified is priceless.

Unfortunately, many myths are circulating about this procedure, which can lead to people avoiding it out of fear or misinformation. In this article, we’ll look at six common misconceptions about colonoscopies and provide accurate information so you have all the facts before making an informed decision about your healthcare path.

Myth 1: Colonoscopies are painful and uncomfortable

New technology has made colonoscopies much more straightforward than they used to be. A unique air system is used to open up the colon so that doctors can do a thorough examination, which minimizes discomfort. You may feel light pressure or mild cramping during the procedure, but it should not be overly painful or cause severe distress.

Myth 2: Preparing for a colonoscopy is too complicated 

Preparing for a colonoscopy is relatively simple. It would help if you cleaned out your colon, which typically involves drinking a particular prep solution or taking a laxative the day before the procedure. This will help make sure that there are no blockages or obstructions when your doctor performs the procedure. Your doctor and colonoscopy clinic in Singapore can provide you with detailed instructions on how to prepare for the procedure.

Myth 3: Colonoscopies are too expensive 

The cost of colonoscopies varies depending on where they’re done, but many insurance policies cover part or all of the cost. If you’re concerned about the price of a colonoscopy, talk to your doctor or insurer about what options are available.

Myth 4: Colonoscopies require a lot of downtime

You may experience mild discomfort and cramping during the procedure but won’t need any particular recovery time afterward. Most people can return to their normal activities as soon as they feel comfortable doing so.

Myth 4 – You don’t need to prepare for a colonoscopy

Many people have been led to believe that to prepare for a colonoscopy. They need to drink laxatives, take time off of work, or even stay overnight in the hospital. The truth is, preparing for a colonoscopy doesn’t involve any of these things. All you need is to ensure you do not eat or drink anything for at least 8 hours before your procedure and limit your activity level the day beforehand.

Myth 5 – Colonoscopy does not detect polyps

Colonoscopy is an excellent tool for preventative and diagnostic medical care, but unfortunately, there are many myths out there regarding what the procedure can and cannot do. One such misconception is that colonoscopy can detect polyps in the colon or bladder. While this isn’t strictly true, knowing what colonoscopy can pick up on is essential. During a colonoscopy, a physician uses an endoscope to look inside the colon and throughout other body parts if necessary.

Myth 6 – All polyps should be removed during coloscopy

Colonoscopy is an essential procedure for early diagnosis of any potential issues in the lower digestive tract. However, myths about the procedure are circulating, such as the belief that all polyps should be removed during a colonoscopy. This is not true. In reality, medical professionals will only remove a polyp if it meets specific criteria, depending on what they observe when conducting the procedure.


From the seven myths about colonoscopy discussed, it’s evident that the procedure is much less intimidating and invasive than many first believe. While some pain and uncomfortable sensations may be associated with it, colonoscopies are quick, efficient, and essential to maintaining good health. Therefore, we should all strive to set any fear of colonoscopy aside and keep up with our recommended screenings.